Dress to Impress Yourself
Why You Should Always Dress To Impress Yourself
Today’s inspiration piece was purchased with pure joy... these beautiful thick red Alaska socks I found new with tags at goodwill for only $1.99. They remind me of the importance of choosing attire that tickles your fancy, regardless of who might think what about it. Even if I feel like I am the only person in the world who would thinks its cute, if I think its cute, I will rock the shit out of it, I will convince you its cute! For me, today, looking down at my socks gave me a little rush of happiness that is only achieved through being your authentic self. RuPaul is correct when he says, "If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell are you gonna love somebody else” truer words where never spoken. If you feel good about yourself you see the good in others too... this is why it is utterly imperative that you always dress to impress yourself! I notice so often that when I feeling confident and happy in my own clothing(skin) I notice other people’s aesthetic and I feel happy and appreciative of their style. When I love my look, I feel compelled to compliment other peoples looks. When I leave the house feeling frumpy I feel a pang of jealousy/insecurity when I look at other people more polished than me... #truth, I know you know what I am talking about, we have all been there.
I have a daughter, and as a mom, I want nothing more than for my little girl to grow into a confident woman. I know that I must support her fashion sense and allow her to dress to impress herself. Since she was 18 months old I have allowed her to choose her own clothing, within my guidelines for weather/occasion. As a parent, I have had some pretty epic mom fails, my most regretful are certainly the moments in her life I forced her to wear the clothes that I chose, usually for some big event. As I have improved as a mother I have learned to let go of my OCD ways, and allow her to make her own fashion choices for those big events, and even though she never chooses something I would have picked out for her, she always looks amazing and she wears her clothes with confidence, which is so rewarding to watch as her mommy.
It is important for me to be a good example of loving your authentic self. As a mother and a professional childcare specialist, I demonstrate self love by choosing clothing that makes me smile. Today, these amazing socks brought joy to my feet and to my children. I have mooses, bears, and Christmas trees on my feet and I have never felt more pleased to look at my toes. My feet are giving me Alaska lumberjack realness. I appropriately paired these statement socks with a bright red plaid vest (borrowed from my daughter's wardrobe, thanks babe)
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